Water System Operational Highlights
November 23, 2015 – November 30, 2015

Masonry Pool Reservoir on November 22, 2015
Photo Credit: Mark Hopf
The Message on Our Water Supply
Due to the overall shift in the weather pattern and the return to typical wet November weather, Everett, Seattle and Tacoma have deactivated their Water Shortage Response Plans. The recent rains have saturated the ground, filled reservoirs and generally reset the region’s water supply to normal conditions.
The three cities thank their customers for helping the region stretch its water supplies to meet the needs of people and fish in this unprecedented year.
Last week, 3.47 inches and 1.44 inches of precipitation were recorded in our Cedar River and South Fork Tolt River watersheds, respectively.
Chester Morse Lake at the Overflow Dike is at elevation 1557.4 feet, about 1.1 feet lower than last week, and about 7.7 feet above its long term average (based on the years 1989 to 2005). Masonry Pool Reservoir at Masonry Dam is at elevation 1557.3 feet, about 1.20 feet lower than last week, and about 11.1 feet above its long term average. The South Fork Tolt Reservoir at the South Fork Tolt Dam is at elevation 1747.0 feet, about 5.4 feet higher than last week, and about 1.7 feet below its long term average. Water releases from reservoir storage are actively being managed for water supply, hydropower, fish habitat and flood management objectives for both the Cedar and South Fork Tolt Rivers.
Water consumption for the previous seven days averaged approximately 105 mgd. That is more than the 104 mgd consumed during the same period last year, and less than the average of 117 mgd used during the same period over the years 1999-2008.

Figure 1. Seattle Public Utilities Water System Synopsis Graphs