Residential Customers
Residential customers may be required to have a backflow assembly installed under the following conditions:
You have an irrigation system connected to your plumbing
You have a fire sprinkler system connected to your plumbing.
You have a seperate irrigation meter
You have an approved or unapproved auxiliary water supply
All new service installations or upgrades

If you are planning on installing a fire sprinkler system or an irrigation system
Install the backflow assembly according to our specifications. We strongly advice you to hire a professional for the installation of the device.
Test: Contact a third party Backflow Assembly Tester to conduct the test. Once completed, the tester shall submit a copy of the report to the District.
Inspection: Once the assembly is installed, contact the District and schedule a time for on of our CCC Specialist to inspect the assembly.
Annual testing: Upon completion of steps 1-3, the backflow assembly must be tested annually thereafter. The District will nofify you by mail when it is time for your annual test.
Questions contact us