Rpba Installation Guide
This Document serves as a guide for the installation of an Rpba inside the boundary of Water District #20. All installations must be inspected and approved by the Districts Cross-Connection Control Specialist. Please contact the District within 2 business days to schedule an inspection.
Assembly shall be installed on the customers side of the meter prior to any branch or tee on the service line.
An Rpba shall be installed in the orientation for which it is approved. (E.G. horizontal/vertical) either orientation shall have the relief valve installed horizontally.
Insulation shall not obstruct relief valve from discharging to atmosphere
Install Assembly according to the manufacturers specifications.
Assembly must be installed above ground in a heated or insulated enclosure.
Water District #20 highly recommends freeze protection. (Insulation or padded wraps)
Assemblies greater than 2 1/2" shall be supported to protect the flange from damage.
Assembly shall be installed a min. of 12" above grade measured from the relief vent.
Installed Assembly shall be rigid and stable
Installed Assembly should be easily accessible for testing and maintenance.
There shall be 2 drain holes equal in size to the relief vent.
Ball shut off valve
Type "K" copper
= to dia. of RPBA
1' min
3' max